inear display Bref

🎵 Introducing Bref, a free random percussion synthesizer plugin, specializing in crafting synthetic percussion sounds! 🆓🥁

🌐 Bref uses a modified version of Ephemere’s synthesis engine, effortlessly producing a vast array of short, crisp metallic sounds. The streamlined and intuitive workflow offers easy integration into drum racks and more:

1️⃣ On startup, the plugin randomly generates a pair of sounds.
2️⃣ Trigger it with a MIDI note (fixed pitch for seamless drum rack use).
3️⃣ Blend sounds using the MORPH knob for dynamic results.
4️⃣ Regenerate individual sounds with A and B buttons.
5️⃣ Click the dice button to regenerate the entire plugin state.
6️⃣ No preset system, but the plugin state is saved with your project.

🔄 Resize the user interface easily by dragging the handle in the bottom right corner.

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